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Purposely, the Seal of Excelencia distinguishes institutions SERVING Latinostudents with intentionality and impact. This framework represents learning from over 20 years of working withhigher education institutions and is grounded in Excelencia’s research, identification of evidencebased practices, and extensive collaboration with a large network of leaders committed to thecommon cause of Latino student success.Purpose of Seal of ExcelenciaLatino college completion is improving but is not happening fast enough to close gaps in degreeattainment. As part of this commitment, Excelencia in Educationestablished the Seal of Excelencia, a national certification for institutions that strive to go beyondenrollment to better SERVE Latino students.To support and reinforce institutional capacity to better serve, Excelencia developed a frameworkthat integrates essential components of transformation into a comprehensive institutional strategyfor SERVING students. Weare committed to significantly increasing the number of Latino students obtaining college degreesby 2030 in partnership with institutions.

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2021 Seal of Excelencia ApplicationCalifornia State University, FullertonBackground on Seal of ExcelenciaExcelencia in Education’s mission is to accelerate Latino student success in higher education.

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